
The present Blacket Association dates from 1970 (though it was preceded by local residents' associations in the Blacket area from the 19th century onwards). See the Association's Constitution for further details on its structure and composition. The committee take care of most of the day-to-day activities that are necessary in support of the Association's aims. Some of the key activities are:

Represent the views of the residents and encourage them to feel part of the Blacket Community

  • Identify / receive intimations of new residents
  • Prepare 'welcome' communications - greeting cards, Information sheets, direct debit forms for joining the Association
  • Maintain contact information database of residents
  • Maintain Blacket Association website
  • Orgainse social events, most notably the AGM and Open Gardens
  • Prepare reports including accounts for the AGM
  • Disseminate biannual hard copy Newsletters to residents, including AGM papers
  • Disseminate ad hoc emails on issues of general interest to residents on the email database
  • Hold regular Committee meetings to ensure the Association's aims and objectives are being met

Protect and enhance the amenity of the area

  • Access Council's weekly list of Planning Applications and Decisions, investigating those of potential interest to the Association
  • Send letters of Objection to planning applications when necessary as agreed by the Committee
  • Read and consider the Council's proposals on non-planning issues, e.g. traffic, cycling, parking, recycling and repairing of the gate piers to decide on the Association's response
  • Consider notifications, usually from Neighbourhood Watch Scotland (but also from residents) about criminal activity in the area and disseminate to residents where appropriate
  • Maintain Blacket shrubbery, buying plants, planting and weeding
  • Carry out routine maintenance of shrubbery, with assistance from work parties of residents

Current Committee Members and their roles

Position & Responsibility Name Contact
Chair & Communications Coordinator Susan Hezlet 30 Mayfield Terrace
Vice Chair Ian Chisholm 11 Dryden Place
Treasurer Anne Henderson 4 Mayfield Terrace
Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator Stanley Bird 4 Dryden Place
Minutes Secretary Hazel Clark 1 Mayfield Terrace
Welfare & New Residents Arlene Doherty 56 Blacket Place
Planning Richard Scothorne 7 Alfred Place
Website & Contact List Colin Blair Arthur Lodge
Shrubbery Working Party Stewart Whiting

John Usher
17 Mayfield Terrace

36 Mayfield Terrace

Committee Meeting Minutes

See News & Events for details of the next Committee Meeting. Minutes from previous meetings are as follows:

Annual Reports & AGM Minutes

See News & Events for details of the next Annual General Meeting. Minutes and reports from previous years are as follows:

Blacket Area Plan